There was a bucket challenge that was going viral on Facebook so I thought I would share my 10 most influential books.

The Handmaid’s Tale – read this with friend's recommendation. Shocking story about fertile women carrying children for other people and this specifically done with the particular couple’s husband itself!
The Atonement – read the full book recently only. I still cannot imagine why Briony did what she did. Is it out of jealousy or childishness?
The midnight’s children – I read this coz of best friend's constant reminder that it’s a superb book. After reading that, every book I read no matter how great it was, couldn’t come up to this standard.

The Godfather – My first and probably my last underworld story. Don’t think anyone can write about the happenings of the underworld as better as this book.
Life of Pi – got this from the library a few weeks ago. Loved the part where he starts believing in all the religions. Goes to show how narrow minded people are when it comes to things like religion and being different.
Pride and Prejudice – started this coz I wanted to get a taste in classics. Found it to be really interesting and the olden traditions.
Rich dad, Poor dad – Awesomely simple way to understand the difference between making and wasting wealth.
The Pilot’s Wife – the first book I got from myLibrary. Gosh, the cheating and living a double life with two families is just shocking. Read the book within a day or two coz the suspension was too much.
Hopefully I'll be able to add more to this list in the time to come....
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