Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tech, tech, tech. etc.

I realize I was gone for a few days. That was because I was stuck up with one work after another to complete. I thought I was a pro in time management but now it seems to be gone. So this is what I've learnt and I've been learning during my absence.

How loyalty management campaigns work
So they gather data from all different places and identify the types of customers that need to be rewarded. Some products has the ability to profile but some do not. It's all up-to the marketing manager to decide what kind of campaign that needs to be created.

The obvious benefit would be to build customer loyalty while attracting new customers to the business. Giving free stuff for people is the best way to keep them with you because that is human nature. Where there are gifts and other giveaways people are present. This is not the only good thing about loyalty management but it is one main benefit. Also it would integrate all different data sources of the business to give optimum results.

mChoice Rewards
This is the product I'm supposed to sell and what I'm currently working on. Well I can't give much information because it's confidential and I don't want to loose my employment before 1 month. But I can tell that are many features that differentiate the product from other competitors. It integrates an unlimited amount of data sources to enable people to make better and effective loyalty campaigns.

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